Johnny is probably crapping his pants right now. He lives in a constant state of fear — of everything. He is not like other zombie teens. Coddled by his mother and ignored by his father, Johnny is ill-prepared for a world that doesn’t want him. He suffers from a shameful nervous tick that forces one of his eyeballs out of its socket. He wants to be stronger.
It makes him a believer, but that also makes him gullible.
As a principled vegan zombie, Violet won’t eat anything with a face. She eats compost to survive and is as much of an outsider as you can be. She represents the future of zombie life and is rejected for it. She’s independent, intelligent and outspoken. She has a lot to teach the others, but her self-confidence masks a deep well of insecurity. She wants to be accepted for who she is, so she spends time trying to help others see their worth.
Gutsy is that kid. He is allergic to everything, but has a particularly strong allergy to human guts. He is deathly afraid he is secretly being fed something with guts in it. When he has a reaction, his body swells up and the large cork in his belly must be removed to keep his ever-expanding intestines from popping him like a balloon. He just wants to be normal. He wants to be able to do the things other kids do, but this urge is kept in check by his body and the shame associated with it.
Gutsy’s sister Harriet is indeed heartless. Her heart was removed in an accident when she was younger. Subsequently, her ability to feel emotions is non-existent. As a result, she is the truth speaker of the group. She yearns to feel real honest to goodness emotion, but so far, it has eluded her. She wants to connect on more than an intellectual level. Of course, being heartless isn’t exactly valued. She doesn’t realize yet, that placing another heart in her chest will allow her to feel, if temporarily. This revelation comes with its own set of complications.
Being the bully is hard work. Especially when you are named for the bony knob where your arm used to be. Stump has feelings, but they are buried beneath many layers of protective armor. He likes to push people around, but mostly so they don’t get to know the real him. Once he gets cracked open, all hell will break loose. His fear is that the world will find out he is a fraud. That he isn’t “enough.” He isn’t interested in truth. He just wants to keep the status quo. Mostly that means he must push others away before they get close enough to find out his secret.
The only time Chubs isn’t hungry is when he is eating. He can’t help himself. It’s just how he feels. He eats his feelings, your feelings and anybody else’s feelings that are lying around. He grew up with out a zombie father and his mother used “food” to soothe him. Now, at a turning point, he has to decide whether to continue down the same road or choose a new path. As the fat kid, he is the butt of many a joke. He thinks being extra friendly to people will get them to like him. He goes along to get along, but mostly he just gives up too easily. Sarge wants to whip him into shape before the summer is over.
Upper Deck is mostly ignored by others because of his stature. He is missing the bottom half of his body and wheels himself around on a moving cart with caster wheels. He likes to tinker and can fix just about anything. Everything except himself. The other campers don’t realize his skills and will need him to survive. He mostly wants to be left alone where he can tinker uninterrupted.
Look at the big brain on Brainerd! His expanding brain required he have the top half of his skull removed to accommodate its size. He is really smart, but has little in the way of social skills. You might say he is on the Zombie Autistic Spectrum. His sizable brain enables him to make complex mathematical calculations, but nobody really cares. There are some people that believe he isn’t even a teenager and he’s just been a fixture at the camp for years.